Weston Adult Soccer Your #1 League
Rules & Regulations
OVer 35 Division
We know what you really wanna know about weston Adult Soccer League. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of Rules & Regulations we usually get asked regarding our team, coaches and games. If you still haven’t found the answers you’re looking for, feel free to contact us and we’ll be happy to answer your questions.

League and Division PHILOSOPHY
The Weston Adult Soccer League (WAS) prides itself for providing a family oriented atmosphere in which adults have a place to enjoy soccer and their families can enjoy watching them play.
Competitive vs Recreational? The league is a mix of the 2, but leaning now more Competitive /Select while retaining some basic AYSO rules. The competition level over the last 8-years in this 11v11 Over 35 Division has steadily increased and due to the ever changing balance, the Division is now more of an Open League. Because of this, rules and breaking them will be more severe and not tolerated. We will always want proper “gentlemen” behavior, and keep honesty and simplicity as the key. All Captains were explained this, and know full well of any misbehavior and the consequences that will be applied.
Friendship and Camaraderie should be the primary objectives rather than the game victory.
Weston Regional Park soccer fields are the home fields for Weston Adult Soccer League (WAS). Tequesta and Vista Parks are used as alternate when needed and available.